Rocknroll Amps replacement/new build chassis for Blues Junior cabinet. This chassis will fit perfectly in to any Blues Junior style cabinet, Mojotone Blues Junior replacement cabinet or other brands.
Screws right in to existing holes.
2 holes for Classic Tone 40-18003, Antique Electronic Supply, CE Distribution P-CF22699 or similar choke.
4 holes for Classic Tone 40-18020, Antique Electronic Supply, CE Distribution P-TF50438 output transformer.
2 mounting holes for Classic Tone 40-18034 or equivalent reverb transformer
Pre punched for all the following items below:
2 holes for reverb send and return jacks
Hole for reverb transformer wire pass through
4- 3/4" pre amp tube sockets.
Let me know your power tubes, I will pre punch for up to 4 power tube socket 3/4" or 1" holes or a mixture.
Heyco 1200 style strain relief
Antique Electronic Supply, CE Distribution S-H205 fuse holder or similar
Switchcraft style input jack and speaker jack or similar
4 - .28" holes for 15-16 mm potentiometers. If using 3/8" shaft pots you will need to enlarge the holes with a drill.
1- 1/4" hole for mini toggle switch
1- 1/2" hole for Carling style power/standby toggle switch
1- .323" hole for LED similar to Lumex SSI-LXR9126SID110V
This is Not made for a Blues Junior circuit board or transformers.
$75.00 plus shipping. NYS residents add sales tax. Add 3.65% for paypal or credit card.